Supporting the movement of Net Zero using ISO-14001
Within the UK there are approximately 270,000 business (Clark, 2022) that are in the manufacturing sector, all of these business are capable of producing waste products, it’s estimated that the UK generated 43.9 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste in 2018 alone (Gov, 2022), imaging what the figure will be in 10 years time! All Business have the obligation to manage waste responsibly.
The Environmental Protection act 1900 enforces business to;
- Ensure waste is stored safely and securely.
- Suitable storing facilities
- Store waste cautiously if hazardous / toxic

Working towards Net Zero
Global warming is a subject that is becoming increasingly important throughout the world, as the matter continues to worsen. Net Zero means reducing of global carbon emissions that we release, to match the emissions that are removed. A helping effort of this is improving this situation, is business having an established environmental management system.
Implementing ISO 14001 framework benefits yours business by;
- Improved corporate image
- Becoming Environmentally friendly
- Reduce waste management costs
- Compliance with legislation
- Reduce energy and material costs.
To find more information about ISO 14001 and the requirements, you can contact us on;
Phone: 01686 806677
*New signing customers can be certified within 5 working days, after payment is made and that you complete the steps to certification which is shown at the top of the email.